Nice for what?

I have oft been accused of being ‘too nice’ especially when I was doing teacher training. The implication being that students/the general population would take advantage and tread over me like a wafer-thin rug. That to be a proper teacher/ person I must toughen up, speak sharply, react abruptly and come down hard. But as… Continue reading Nice for what?

Yvette vs. world: Spring edition

It’s that time again, spring is springing. Jasmine fills the nostrils, blossoms bloom, baby birdies chirp and the sun comes out (in between rain and gale-force winds if you’re in Melbourne). A perfect time to reflect, renew and try some new things on my quest to being the best version of Vettie I can be.… Continue reading Yvette vs. world: Spring edition

The man in the mirror

Perhaps the evil queen was onto something in Snow White when she looked into the mirror and asked, ”Magic mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” While I don’t condone her evil ways, there is a power in speaking to yourself in the mirror, even if it’s not the kind that talks… Continue reading The man in the mirror

Help me help you

Hello, my name’s Yvette and I’m an addict. My addiction du jour? Self-help books. All kinds, I’m not discriminating. Books about worthiness, happiness, wealthiness, cleanliness (it’s surely next to godliness!). Sell it to me with the promise of brighter better me at the end and I’m a sucker for it. I’m a slave for you.… Continue reading Help me help you

A tourist in my own city

I recently had some Sydney friends come to visit ye olde Melbourne town. This gave me the perfect opportunity to be a tourist in my own city. I have to give the cookie to Marcel Proust for putting it so beautifully; “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having… Continue reading A tourist in my own city

Now for a walk in the black forest

I’ve recently rediscovered the joy of a brisk walk. Winter in Melbourne may not seem the obvious time for this but there’s a kind of magic in breathing in the crisp air and crunching the crisp leaves underfoot. It clears the mind, awakens the senses and rejuvenates the body. I get into a kind of… Continue reading Now for a walk in the black forest

Wishful Drinking

Now I must admit that I stole the title from Carrie Fisher’s (RIP Queen) excellent memoir but it’s such a good one. I’ve done a lot of wishful drinking in my time. Wishing to change my mood, fill the void, escape loneliness or boredom or just plain wishing for another drink. I’m pleased to report… Continue reading Wishful Drinking

Socially Sober

I spent 2 weeks off social media and survived! How did I do it? How did I find it? What have I learnt? What did I miss in the land of the Kardashians and cat videos? As part of my Yvette vs. the world challenges, a dear reader-thanks Melissa-suggested a social media break. At first… Continue reading Socially Sober

All in

I’ve been thinking about the advice we are sometimes given by well meaning parents, teachers and members of the general public. ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, ‘have something to fall back on’, ‘get a balanced education’, ‘don’t rock the boat’. Obviously this is coming from a place of protection and concern and… Continue reading All in

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

Hello, I’m Mr Brightside. Well at least I’m a Mr Brightside in training. I didn’t used to be. I used to see doom and gloom and things exploding all around me whereas as now I see sunshine, lollipops and rainbows. How can you bias your brain to do the same? By creating positive anchors everywhere.… Continue reading Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows