
“The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Be patient and stay the course.” Fabienne Fredrickson “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” Hal Borland “It makes me angry, I’m serious. But then again, I’m just about to get my period. Periods, we all get periods. Every… Continue reading Seasonal

Why does the caged bird sing?

Freaky times hey with Covid-19 induced self-quarantine, social distancing and supermarket sweep style scenes. How can we keep our mind, body and soul healthy? As an introvert, frugalista and optimist, I’ve had a bit of practice at some of this. But as a casual worker in service industries and a gym-user-I’m realising the challenge of… Continue reading Why does the caged bird sing?

Challenger Ready!

“Challenger Ready”: James Clear, author of “Atomic Habits”, says that the most important thing is to fall in love with the habit and not the result as the result may not be visible for months or even years after we begin the habit.

Oh bop, fashion!

You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on my gown?
You need to calm down

A Little Something-Something

I got a little somethin’ for ya. (I got a little somethin’ for you. Na na na na na na na na na! MN8—I’ve Got a Little Something For You I think we can all agree that something is better than nothing (and I’ll give you just three guesses to figure out just what it… Continue reading A Little Something-Something

Bali Spirit

As predicted, I’m still banging on about my September trip to Bali. Beyond the Bintang and the braids, it is a deeply spiritual place with much to teach us. Daily Devotions: The Balinese seem to be constantly in a state of prayer and ritual. They make offerings, called Canang sari, to the gods and spirits… Continue reading Bali Spirit

Future Tripping

Who else is guilty of future tripping? I don’t necessarily mean dreaming of ‘the distant future’ with the hover boards that “Back to the Future” promised us (in 2015 no less!). No I’m thinking more about the jumping into a projected future in your head rather than staying grounded in the present. This has been… Continue reading Future Tripping

Meditation ruling the nation

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in pursuit of personal development must be in want of a meditation practice. Meditation is the cure-all for everything. Stressed? Meditate. Tired? Meditate. Anxious? Meditate. But it is much easier said than done especially when the process of meditating can be frustrating, challenging and boring. App… Continue reading Meditation ruling the nation


It can be scary to change, to turn and face the strange. Even if our old ways are no longer helpful, at least they’re comfortable and familiar. Feeling blah is like an old worn out couch with an Yvette-shaped groove. Yes, it should be out in hard rubbish but I’ve spent so much time here.… Continue reading Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!

I make money move

What is your relationship with money? I used to think it wasn’t polite to discuss it and it wasn’t right to want more of it. I am now trying to change that by admitting I want more of it and not avoiding talking about it. One of my core desired feelings is ‘abundant’ which is… Continue reading I make money move