Best of 2017

As the sun sets on 2017 and prepares to rise on 2018, come with me on a journey through time and space to see my favourites…

I’m Bulletproof, nothing to lose: My previous fixation with wine has shifted to an obsession with coffee. I go to bed dreaming of my morning coffee (I’m not an addict, it’s cool, I feel alive). But how can I combine my quests for delicious coffee and robust health? The answer is Bulletproof. I make one of these bad-boys first thing. My auto-pilot is: alarm-tongue scrape-miaow-kettle on-cat food. It’s a glamorous life, for the glamorous, oh the flossy flossy. I brew some coffee in my presse française (glamorous, glamorous) then blend it up with some MCT/Coconut oil, grass-fed butter/ghee and maca powder and enjoy a frothy cup of wonderment. This is in lieu of breakfast and so you get the benefits of intermittent fasting with the perks of caffeination ruling the nation.

Bend and tap!: Almost as popular as the bend and snap, this year saw me doing a bend and tap daily in the form of yoga and EFT. I’m pleased to report dear reader from the front lines, that I have succeeded in my quest to do at least 5 minutes of each erday. YouTube has been my partner in crime for this and the channels I have mainly frequented are Yoga with Adrienne, The Yoga Solution and Brad Yates. I think this daily yoga has helped with my flexibility and back ‘issues’ and I’ve tried to do an IRL class once a week too. With EFT, you tap different points on your body while voicing your hopes and fears. This shifts energy and I’m mad for Brad who has lots of videos you can follow along with. I often use the Amazing Day and Virtual Espresso ones for a quick dose of tapping in the morning. Next year I’ll continue bending and tapping as they’ve been good additions to my morning routine which is forever being finetuned (is a 3am alarm a possibility?)

Ask the Angels: Now hold onto your hats as it’s about to get woo woo up in here, up in here! I have a collection of angel card decks and have enjoyed drawing one or two in the AM on a regular basis. These offer guidance for the day or bring up a thought for contemplation or provide an answer to a question. I have Angel Answers, Daily Guidance from your Angels, Romance Angels (Doreen Virtue) Rumi Oracle, Love your Inner Goddess, Kuan Yin Oracle (Alana Fairchild) and Faerytale Oracle (Lucy Cavendish). I include these in my full and new moon rituals (more hippy shit) by drawing a card for the cycle and reflecting on it and placing it out in the moonlight with my crystals. Cards are a good jumping off point for the day. As I shuffle I say, “Dear Universe, thank you for helping me to clearly notice, understand and take action upon the divinely guided ideas that you send to me. Thankyou for giving me the confidence, courage, motivation and support to move forward as you guide me to” (thanks Gabrielle Bernstein).

Money saved and tracked: One of my words for 2017 was abundance and part of the process for this was to save all my coins in a bowl. This acted as a visual representation of my wealth flowing over and lightened the load on my wallet. I will continue this into 2018 and add a new element; $5 notes! I will save and not spend these. I also did some awesome courses about money. “Making money pleasurable” and “Money Master the Game’. These courses gave me some great tools including encouragement to track my money daily via a spreadsheet or a notebook. This gave me some interesting insights into where my money was going; namely books and the organic store. I also became more clear about my direct debits (do I really need Netflix and Stan and Apple Music and Spotify or yoga and pilates and the gym?) I’ll be streamlining and saving in 2018.

Thanks for the memories 2017. Roll in 2018. Happy new year ya filthy animals.

Love and light and caffeine angels for all xxx Yvette

Intermittent fasting

Tap with Brad: Amazing Day

Yoga with Adrienne: Morning Routine

Yoga Solution

Money Tracker

By weavethefuturemagical

Hi guyz! I’m Yvette. I love to write about all things Minimalism, Mindfulness and Melbourne. The woo-woo makes me go woo-hoo! Much love xoxo @ me at


  1. I have enjoyed reading the wrap up of the best from 2017. The way you make your coffee and what you put into it sounds very interesting and certainly different. I’ll have to find out more about it. The early morning Bend and tap routine is also interesting and must prepare you well for going to work and being totally focused. You have also attended some great courses in 2017.

    I look forward to following your blogs again in 2018 to see what you are up to!
    Thanks Yvette x

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