The festival of cleaning

Now, I’ve been officially living with less for a couple of years now, since being inspired by Marie Kondo’s book with the best title ever, “The life-changing magic of tidying up” and the documentary “Minimalism” by the Minimalists. But after reviewing Marie’s 2nd book, “Spark Joy”, I realised I had ‘relapsed’ and had excess stuff again. I had not been strictly asking myself, “does this spark joy?” before purchasing anything or bringing things into the house. Naughty Vetty! I thought I didn’t have a lot, partly because I have limited storage (inner city pressure) and partly because I mainly wear ‘a uniform’ (behold: the denim skirt and grey t.shirt). But I was able to part with 2 gigantic bags worth of items which I thanked for their service and dropped at the op shop with light (metaphorical, it was actually quite heavy) and love.

The order of things: Sensei Marie calls this a ‘cleaning festival’ where you look at every item in your home and decide whether it sparks joy and is kept or whether it doesn’t and can be gratefully thanked then given away or thrown out. She believes all things have energy and need to be treated with respect. Marie says to tidy in the following order: 1. Clothing, 2. Books, 3. Papers 4. Komono (miscellany) 5. Sentimental Items. She says that sentimental items can be the hardest to part with and so should be left until last to spare you from being a sobbing mess on the ground looking at ‘the way we were’. Now this is no ordinary Spring clean (pish-tosh), it’s a festival and one must throw oneself into it whole-heartedly and preferably do it all in one go, on your own and in silence.

For everything a place: Once you have only things that spark joy remaining, you can now embark on stage 2: the beautiful presentation of these joy sparkers. The Kon-mari method has a special fold for each item on clothing and an order of colour to display it in, from darkest to lightest. T.shirts become rainbow (or 50 shades of grey) parcels and socks are neatly folded not rolled together into ‘angry balls like potatoes’ as she notes. I cannot tell you how much pleasure I’m getting from my folded underwear! After all a, well ordered underwear drawer is a well ordered mind. Don’t even get me started on the Alphabetised spices. Swoon! Things that are in the closest contact to the body, like underwear and cutlery, should be treated with special reverence and displayed in an aesthetic manner. There should now be a place for everything and for everything a place.

Do your drawers and cupboards have you gasping with admiration? Do you love everything you own? If not, I highly recommend a cleaning festival. I vow never to rebound again, instead asking myself that essential question “ does this spark joy?” before I buy or keep.

 Love and light and let go with love xxx Yvette

By weavethefuturemagical

Hi guyz! I’m Yvette. I love to write about all things Minimalism, Mindfulness and Melbourne. The woo-woo makes me go woo-hoo! Much love xoxo @ me at


  1. We are on day 2 of our festival ( 2nd try this year ) – 3 bags to the Op shop yesterday . At the end of the day , the relief you feel from removing the clutter is so much greater than the satisfaction you may have felt from holding on to it and maybe/maybe not getting $20 online or at a garage sale . Either way , I’m not YET gasping with admiration! ( and only 1/2 way through Maries’s book)

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    1. Yay! Thanks for sharing. I feel so good for getting rid of stuff and am trying to be more strict about new purchases only being joy speakers! Good luck with the rest of the festival and the rest of the book! Xxx yvette


  2. I love the idea of The festival of cleaning. I can imagine how great you felt when you dropped of those 2 gigantic bags of items. This is what I definitely need to do. Marie Kondo’s books looked very interesting when I checked them out. I like the idea of ‘does this spark joy?” My drawers and cupboards also need to be sorted out. I am sure my socks must be rolled together into ‘angry balls like potatoes’!!!! Your blogs are always interesting and different, I never know what you are going to write about each week nor where your links will take me. Thank you. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙏 it did feel so good to get rid of things and it’s a bit addictive! I really love how Marie Kondo writes about tidying and the differences it makes to your life. Highly recommended reading. Good luck with your clean. So yogurt enjoying reading the blog xxx


  3. What a wonderful time for this to pop up on my FB newsfeed! I have been what I have called ‘nesting’ recently (No I am not pregnant). However I had the strong desire to go through each room in my house and do some re-arranging, sorting, donating and disposing. Such an amazing feeling lol

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